Momentum Volley

Policies & Papers
Submit Forms

Health Declaration Form

Required once per season prior to participation.

If there are any changes to the responses contained in an individual’s Declaration of Compliance any time after submitting the form, the individual must notify the Organization immediately in writing via email of this change and refrain from attending sessions until they are able to comply with the Health Declaration again.


Indemnity & Assumption of Risk Waiver

Required once per season prior to participation. 


Inclement Weather

During periods of inclement weather, either the club or team coaches will send an email out to all athletes in the event that practice or programming has been cancelled (always check your spam or junk mail folders). If you do not receive a message then please proceed with practice or training as planned. 

It is always your responsibility to assess the validity of travel to and from training or competition. Quantity of training will never supplant quality. Your personal safety should always take priority. Don’t worry about missing practice when travel quality is compromised.